New business registration process you should know
If you are planning to do a name search and register your business in Kenya, it is important to be aware of some changes made on the online process. Only then you will be able to apply for and get a certificate of business registration.
In Kenya one can register a business or a company through the eCitizen government portal. For long one had to do a business name search and reservation before carrying on with the business registration. It was only after getting feedback from the registrar that your name is available that one could go ahead and carry out business registration.
With the latest changes one will not have the opportunity to do a name search and reservation. The new business name registration process involves coming up with several option for your business name or company name.

This is in case your first option is taken and there is a business registered under the same name, you will have the second option or even a third option.
The system allows one to come up with upto 4 names from which your business can be registered under. The system automatically searches for available names with top priority being names on top of your list.
Should the system detect your first option is taken, it will narrow down to the second one, third one and lastly the forth one to check for availability.
Since you will no longer need to wait for name check and reservation results, upon coming up with various options for your business name, you can be able to complete the process within the same day.

Business registration process
For sole proprietorship
- Log into your eCitizen platform. If you do not have one, create an account
- Head to business registration option
- Select Register a business
- Come up with a list of upto four names you wish to register your business under with the most preferred name coming first
- Enter your details correctly including the location of your business
- Submit your application and download the BN2 form.
- Get it signed and upload it back to the system
- Upload ID card/passport, KRA PIN certificate and recent colored passport photographs of sole proprietor or partners.
- Partnership and Sole proprietorship registration fee – Ksh 1,000
Company registration fees is Ksh.10,650
It takes one to two days to register your business.
Also Read:How you can easily move from a job security to financial freedom.